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E-Resources (Runnels History)

Online Article Searches and Databases with EBSCO

The New Hampshire State Library provides New Hampshire’s libraries with access to online database products to assist them in their mission of meeting the information needs of the people they serve. Through EBSCO, every public library in the state has access to the same core resources. In many cases, these resources are also available to NH residents at home as well.

To explore EBSCO using your library card number, click here. 

Try EBSCO for Kids or Students by selecting “Search Other Databases”

To access EBSCO using your username and password, click here.

Need a library card number? Email Circulation at to register from home. 

Genealogy Resources

A powerpoint presentation on using local resources to do genealogy research.

The library has a subscription to, which can be accessed using the library computers or the library wi-fi signal.  Contact for more information or call us at 603-286-8288.

Heritage Quest online is also available to our library patrons. It may be accessed from your home.

Inside the library, you will find the New Hampshire room, an archive of historical books, documents and maps. For the Runnels History, both volumes are available online to researchers.

The  Library Catalog Is Online

  • Search for books, movies, and more HERE.
  • What else can you do?

1. Place holds on items

2. Create lists of items (public or private)

3. See what items you have checked out or have placed a hold on

4. Review your check-out/reading history

5. Make a purchase or inter-library loan suggestion (search for something we don’t have to do this).

Now how cool is that? To access these services, you’ll need to log in with a user name and password. Contact us to set these up for you.