SPL has a Telescope for Check Out

The Sanbornton Public Library has received a generous donation from the New Hampshire Astronomical Society (www.nhastro.com/) as part of the NHAS Library Telescope Program. The NHAS helps foster scientific literacy, stimulate an interest in astronomy, and provide people who have never looked through a telescope the chance to experience the excitement that comes from discovery. There are now 170 participating libraries in New Hampshire and Maine in the NHAS Library Telescope Program.

Our Zhumell Z114 Reflector tabletop telescope is a compact, easy-to-use telescope perfect for both beginner and experienced astronomers alike, and is now available for loan. The telescope offers stargazers of all ages the ability to observe and explore a range of celestial wonders all from the comfort of their own backyard. Telescope is checked out for one week. Contact the library for availability, (603) 286-8288 or splnhcirc@gmail.com